
Our Family

We have been down an emotional and painful path in these last couple of weeks with the losing of our baby, but have definitely felt comfort and care from our Heavenly Father. We know all things are from him and he will guide us with his word. We see that this too was in our Father's hand and to Him we must give the honor and glory. Although painful we go to Him in prayer and in His word and are comforted and given strength. Our minister came over and prayed and read from the Bible with us--one of the passages he read from was Psalm 46, I often sometimes when overwhelmed with emotions will think of one of the verses "Be still, and know that I am God:" Both of our families have been very supportive, just being there while we need to talk out some of what we are feeling. We are doing good, not of our own accord--what a mighty, merciful God we serve. Abby still likes to talk about the baby, we had a baptism sermon March 9 and Abby hears the minister talking about babies and she whispers to me "mom, our baby is in heaven".

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