
Blake's 6th Birthday

We celebrated Blake's birthday with Grandpa and Grandma Zylstra by going out to eat at Friday's. Blake's present from Grandpa and Grandma was money that was going to be used to get a new bike! We all enjoyed our dinner, but Blake couldn't wait for all the Friday waiters to come out and sing to him--he kept looking for them.

Now off to Target to look for a new bike. He had a hard time deciding between two bikes. One of the bikes was twice the price of the other bike--so mom stepped in and started bragging about the "nicer" bike, cool colors, front brakes and pedal brakes and look even a water bottle! That did it--Blake loved it and couldn't wait to get it home and take it for a spin. Hey Blake, remember if you get thirsty you can take a drink right from your bike--cool!

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