
Christmas 2008

The Zylstra Family Christmas
We opened gifts after the kid's school Christmas program. It got a little late, but it's a nice tradition--one that I had growing up. School was cancelled the next day, so it didn't matter too much.

The Big Zylstra Family Christmas
The kids were pretty excited, they received Wii from
their grandpa and grandma!
Here they are after getting thru the whole scavenger hunt to get
the treasure.

Abby got a jewelry box from Grandma--and loves it.

Blake got a remote control truck from Mom.

Jaedyn got a straightner from Drew.

Tyler got a Iowa T-shirt from Aunt Missi.

Zach got a Bears hat from Aunt Tanya.

The Bleyenburg Christmas Party 2008
All the grandkids with grandpa and grandma, except Jocelyn.

We rented the new gym and spent Friday afternoon and evening there. We played bean bags, made t-shirts and had a basketball game. We sang Christmas carols and then sat down for a nice ham dinner. After dinner the adults and the kids in high school played a dice game for gifts, it was alot of fun and the kids had so much fun just running all over. Blake got a nerf bow and arrow and he was shooting that thing all day long--he loved it!

Abby and Jori with their bears! Best Friends!

Jaedyn and Erica

Mom and Aunt Monica lining the kids up to play bean bags!

Blake with his favorite toy!

Abby and her new sandals!

Jacob, Uncle Doug and Uncle Jim with their hats that they stole during the game we played--so much fun!

The first hat owners--too bad guys, they look really good on you!

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