
Labor Day Weekend in Michigan September 2008

We spent Labor Day in Michigan, we drove up Saturday morning and dropped off our stuff by the Holstege's. They had plans with friends for the night so we left Zach to babysit and headed for the Tiesenga's. We enjoyed the awesome weather and had dinner outside. Tanya made kabobs and Steve grilled them, so good. Tanya also made her first ever dinner rolls--turned out good too!Here we are checking out the chicken coop.
Abby being brave--oh wait, that's a fence!

Blake should've been a farm boy.


Time to get the guns out--we all took turns. Jaedyn and I struggled a bit, but towards the end we got it figured out. Just call me "Annie, get your gun". Thanks Uncle Steve for putting up with all the newbies.

Checking out who hit the target.

Tyler a natural--who would've thought!!!

Campfire time

Sm ores--yummy!!

Crazy Time--they were all having a blast.

Abby are you in there somewhere?

Tyler and Troy

Thanks Tiesenga's we had a great time!

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