
Open House

Our School hosted an Open House for parents, grandparents and friends--we got to visit the classrooms for two half hour sessions. They ended the open house with a choir and band concert in the new gym.

We spent most of our time in Blake's class. They are just so excited and so much fun to watch. Blake's class did word tic-tac-toe and show-n-tell. Blake was so pleased that Abby sat with him and went up in front of class with him.

Jaedyn's class read the stories that they wrote with a lesson to the story--we just missed her turn. We were there for the second part when they were doing math.

Tyler gave a presentation on the state of Louisiana using Power Point--very good, those kids really learned alot with these state reports.

We didn't stay too long in Zach's class--they were having a history lesson and Abby wasn't too happy. Grandma Bleyenburg thought it was good.

We had a nice time and we are so happy to finally be in our new school. Grandpa and Grandma Zylstra were also able to attend--so nice to have them there.

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