
Spring Break--Spring Pics

We had a nice relaxing spring break of sleeping in, reading, playing outside and doing a couple of fun things. It was good thing we didn't have too much planned as Blake was sick all week. We did however go to Michigan and got to spend time with the Holstege's and the Tiesenga's. We went bowling, we had to hurry as they were getting a league in and only had time for one game. We then went for pizza at Pizza Ranch and headed home. Blake is finally recovered for the most part--just a little cough. He was tired today when he got home from school and took a big nap--nice! The kids are counting down the weeks for school to be over, only 8 weeks left--that's how many lunches, 32 days x's 3 kids = 96 = I can't wait either until school is out. We finally have been getting some decent weather--so the kids have been outside shooting baskets and riding bikes. Zach's baseball starts this week, he's pretty excited and his home practice field is within bike riding distance! Tyler starts soccer in about a week--something new for him, he wanted to give that a try instead of baseball.

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